The occurrence of eating disturbances cannot be simplified solely as a matter of pathology; rather, it reflects a complex interplay of social, political, and cultural forces within the context of late-term settler colonialism and capitalism.

Calling all dissenting providers and educators that are flipping the page to the new future of eating disorders

The Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Membership is a dedicated community tailored for mental health providers and eating disorder professionals who are committed to pushing the boundaries of conventional eating disorder care. This membership offers a unique opportunity to expand the scope of eating disorder care beyond the current model.

We need to identify treatment interventions that are both effective and accessible to a much wider population of people who struggle with the full range of eating disorders.

  • Over 50 years of literature on eating disorders indicates that fewer than half of individuals achieve full remission, approximately a third continue to experience residual symptoms, and one-fifth develop chronic conditions.

  • One in 10 individuals will seek professional treatment for their eating disorder, and those individuals who seek treatment are most successful when they enter treatment early on in their diagnosis. 

  • Treatment models were initially developed to address the needs of individuals who are white, thin, cisgender women with anorexia. However, there is a lack of research on the effectiveness of treatment and potential harm for individuals outside this demographic.

  • There is currently a lack of research on the effectiveness of eating disorder treatment within BIPOC and transgender communities.

Traditional recovery-only models

are not working.

They have proven effective for only a narrow segment of the limited population that undergo treatment.

The Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Membership

$12.99 price/month

At its core, the membership is curated to provide valuable insights and transformative perspectives. Monthly readings, discussions, and educational content are facilitated by the esteemed founder of Nalgona Positivity Pride, Gloria Lucas. As a leader in the field, Gloria brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to guide members through thought-provoking materials, fostering in-depth discussions, and providing educational content that challenges existing norms.

At its core, the EDHR membership is curated to provide valuable insights and transformative perspectives. Monthly readings, discussions, and educational content are facilitated by the esteemed founder of Nalgona Positivity Pride, Gloria Lucas. As a leader in the field, Gloria brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to guide members through thought-provoking materials, fostering in-depth discussions, and providing educational content that challenges existing norms.

By joining the Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Membership, mental health providers and eating disorder professionals have the opportunity to be at the forefront of a movement that prioritizes mutual aid, autonomy, and the overall well-being of communities affected by eating disorders. The monthly activities, including readings, discussions, and educational content, serve as a catalyst for continuous learning, growth, and collaboration within the community.

Together, members work towards dismantling oppressive structures, amplifying marginalized voices, and envisioning a future where eating disorder care is characterized by empathy, understanding, and respect. This membership is a transformative space where professionals can actively contribute to the evolution of eating disorder care beyond the confines of the current model.

Calling Dissenting Eating Disorder Activists and Professionals

Members will have exclusive access to curated audio, articles, and videos personally created by Gloria Lucas. All sessions are meticulously recorded, and members enjoy full access to a comprehensive library of past recordings and content. Additionally, members will be granted entry to private monthly discussions.

Our monthly meet-ups are designed to be vibrant and engaging, providing a space for thought-provoking discussions, knowledge sharing, and collective growth. Each session will offer opportunities to explore relevant topics, books and articles, engaging in insightful readings and deep-dives into the content. These gatherings are a platform for meaningful conversations, where diverse perspectives and experiences converge to foster a deeper understanding of eating disorder care and its alternatives. Join us for lively exchanges, shared wisdom, and collaborative exploration as we pave the way towards a more compassionate and informed approach to supporting those affected by eating disorders.

Upcoming Meet-Up Topics

January 2024 -

  • Feeding Others as an Act of Resistance

  • Anarchism and Harm Reduction

March 2024 -

  • Harm Reduction is Grace in Action” Words by Dominique Morgan

  • Billie Holiday and The War on Drugs

February 2024 -

  • What is Abolition?

  • The Revolution Will Not Be Sober

April 2024 -

  • Community, Democracy, and Mutual Aid Toward Dual Power and Beyond

  • Black, Fat, and Policed

May 2024 -

  • Street Medicine & Anarchism

  • Psychiatry Does Not Recognize Colonization: Psychiatry and Indigenous Peoples

June 2024 -

  • Nepantla Space & Psychology

  • The Liberatory Harm Reduction Framework

*Topics are subject to change.


  • Mental heath activists, providers, and educators, harm reduction based providers, and eating disorder providers, researchers, and educators. Open to white co-conspirators

  • Live meetings are held once a month. Recorded will be dropped throughout the month.

  • Yes, meetings will be recorded. Members gain access to the complete library of recorded sessions.

  • Yes.

  • Captions will be provided by zoom and recorded videos. Pls email us for any other accommodations at

  • Yes we do. Black and Palestinian providers members get free access to our membership. Sign up here.

The Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Membership
